HELLO how are u guys! well I have been working getting some things done for the fair!!, but I feel Like I dont have enough material ....
Some days ago I went to get my craftsman carnet, so now at least I can say Im not ilegal in that world, hehe besides I believe I have told ya already about that!, I will upload a picture of the carnet so u can see how weird I look in the picture!
Espero que les gusten !! ademas de que estan muy in con sus telas de cuadros haha en lo personal a mi me parecen que conbinan con todo! y son muy utiles ya que las puedes utilizar para cargar tanto como lo que compres en el super mercado, como tus cosas para ir a la playa o tus cuadernos y laptop para la universidad o escuela!!
a ver que opinan?
And as a final point today I brought some ecobags that had taking me some hours of sleep, because I have been working a lot in those desings and getting them together!
I hope u like them!! I think these ones are really in now with the tartan fabric haha I really like them they match with everything! and r very usefull , u can use them to carry ur groceries or to go to the beach or to go to school!
tell me what do u think about them?
estan divinas!! me gustan los colores q usastes =)
ResponderEliminargood luck en la feria :)