bueno se nos pasaron los dias libres ... q lastima, quisiera poder mostrarles algunas de las fotitos del paseo pero mi camara esta muriendo x ahi tendre q conseguirme otra o ver q hago! :P
Aqui los dejo con unas argollas super coloridas y unos botones muy femeninos espero q les gusten!!
Ademas creo q en marzo pixel no podra participar de los mercados de pulgas ... mas ya estoy manos a la obra con unos pedidos muy importantes!!
Recuerden tambien podran encontrar articulos pixel en la Tienda Diablo Rosso ubicada en calle Uruguay, frente a Pure, Ciudad de Panama!! no dejen de visitar ese lugar la tienda es todo un espectaculo, por ahi les mostrare unas fotitos del lugar mas adelante!
The free days went away so fast .... to bad, I wish i could show u some pictures of those days, but my camera its already dying so I will have to buy another one or see what can i do ...
I let u here some nice earrings super colorfull and very girly .. i hope u like them!
Besides i think that in march pixel wont be able to participate in our regular activities, like the flea markets ... but im already working on a couple of very important request for pixel's!
Remeber u can also found pixel articules at the Diablo Rosso store located at calle uruguay, in front of the pure club, at Panama City... dont stop passing by that shop, its really nice and it will catch ur eye... i will see how can i do to show u some pictures of the store later on!
take care ppl!
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