Y la mujer que diga que no le gustan los diamantes, de seguro nos miente!!
hahaha la verdad es q puedo decir yo me vuelvo loca con todo lo que tenga brillo y esas cosas hahahah no lo puedo evitar hahaha ...
Pero el dia de hoy les traigo unos diamantes un tanto especiales, ya que estos son mucho mas accesibles y por lo tanto mas faciles de conseguir haha ya que solo me tienen q contactar para conseguirlos ;)
Espero q les gusten
If there is a women in this world that says that doesn't like diamonds, shes is just telling lies!!!
hahahahah truth is that I go insane with all the things that have some shine o glow hahah I don't know I just can help it.
But today I brought u a very special set of diamonds, you'll see this ones r special cause are more easy to buy and more easy to get hahaha I mean to get them u just need to contact me to purshase them ....
I hope u like them!!
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